HIV/AIDS is not a mere health issue. Its occurrence is influenced by a number of socio-economic elements. Health interventions alone, therefore, cannot lead to its prevention. Its prevention requires a concerted collaborative effort from all organizations in public life through their work and programmes. This integrated, inclusive and multi-sectoral approach transfers the ownership of HIV/AIDS issues with direct response to various stakeholders, including the Government, the Corporate sector and Civil Society Organizations.
Engagement of Government Departments for roll-out of MoUs
Implementation of activities as provisioned in the MoU signed by NACO with various Ministries at National level, the Pondicherry AIDS Control Society engages with various Govt. Departments, collaborates with various Public sectors units, Department of Labour & Employment and engages Employer Organizations, Chamber of Commerce, Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), NGOs and CBOs that have been clubbed together and formed Joint Working Groups (JWGs).
PACS conducts regular advocacy meetings with JWGs to promote awareness, training and testing through inclusion in major programmes and schemes available in the Departments and linkes the welfare measures for the benefit of PLHIVs.
Mainstreaming with Ministries and Industries