Anti-retro Viral Therapy (ART)

The ART Centre is functioning in the premises of Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital & Post Graduate Institute w.e.f. 01.12.2005 at OPD-41, 1st floor, IGGGH &PGI, Puducherry .The other districts of Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam are far away from the district headquarters and as advised by NACO, the Project directors of SACS of adjoining States, have agreed to extend full support in terms of ART services for the patients in those regions and link with nearby DAPCU Centers i.e. Karaikal with Nagapattinam, Yanam with Kakinada and Mahe with Telicherry/Calicut.

Link ART Plus Centre (LAC+):
One Link ART plus Centre has been established in the Medicine Department, JIPMER and the same is functioning w.e.f. 01.12.2012. It has recently been upgraded as FI-ART by NACO.

Main objectives of ART Centre:

⦁ Register and provide Care, Support And Treatment services to all PLHIV and monitor patients in HIV Care (Pre-ART) regularly.
⦁ Identify eligible PLHIV requiring ART and initiate them on ART in a timely manner as per the NACO guidelines
⦁ Provide ARV & OI drugs to eligible PLHIV
⦁ Provide treatment adherence and counseling services before and during treatment to ensure high levels of drug adherence
⦁ Counsel and educate PLHIV, caregivers, guardians and family members on nutritional requirements, hygiene, positive living and also on measures to prevent further transmission of infection.

ART Center Address:
Pondicherry ART Centre,
Hospital Block ,OPD No:2 ,Ground  Floor,
Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (IGMC &RI),
Vazhudavur Road, Kadirkamam
Phone No: 0413- 2274579

ART Centers

Sl.No Name Address
IGMC & RI , Kadhirkammam , Puducherry-605009
Dept of Skin & Dermatology, JIPMER, Gorimedu, Puducherry 605006