Basic Services Division (BSD)
The Basic Services Division of PACS provides HIV Counseling and testing services for HIV infection, the critical first step in detecting and linking people with HIV to access treatment cascade and care. It also provides an important opportunity to reinforce HIV prevention. This service is being offereed since 1997 with the goal to identify as many people living with HIV, as early as possible (after acquiring the HIV infection), and linking them appropriately and in a timely manner to prevention, care and treatment services. The introduction of ART services for people living with HIV/AIDS, gave a major boost to Counseling and testing services in Puducherry.
This Division includes the following components:
Integrated Counseling and Testing Centres (ICTC)
Prevention of Parent-To-Child Transmission of HIV (PPTCT)
Early Infant Diagnosis (EID)
Public Private Partnership (PPP) model
HIV-TB Collaborative Services
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Services
External Quality Assessment Scheme (EQAS)
The Basic Services Division through Integrated Counseling and Testing Centres (ICTCs) provide HIV counseling & testing services, Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV (PPTCT) services and HIV-TB cross referrals. These services have linkages with TI NGOs/CBOs and outward linkages with ART centres, outreach services, peer support services, Opportunistic Infection (OI) management and home based care. NACP-IV envisages integration and scale-up of service delivery to sub-district and community levels through existing infrastructure in the public and private sectors.