GIPA/ Social Welfare schemes

NACO is committed to the principle of Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/ AIDS (GIPA). The Pondicherry AIDS Control Society is directly involved with PLHIVs and the Positive People networks, Vihaan Care & Support centres supported by NACO at various stages to strengthening HIV prevention and capacity building to the PLHIVs, scaling up treatment, care and support programmes in the UT of Puducherry.

To address the grievances and issues of Stigma and Discrimination and welfare schemes, PACS coordinates with Union Territory of Puducherry Legal Services Authority (UTPLSA) and established Conciliation Cell  to accessing the free legal aid support exclusively for the PLHIVs and Most at Risk Populations of Transgender (TGs), Men having sex with Men (MSMs) and Female Sex Workers. The Department of Women & Child Development, Adi Diravidar Welfare and Social Welfare Department to avail the financial assistance by way of monthly pension etc,.

Pondicherry AIDS Control Society had taken up advocacy initiatives with the Union Territory of Puducherry Child Protection Society (UTPCPS) Puducherry for linking the children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS with the sponsorship scheme under Section 45 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.

PACS receives funds from the Govt. of Puducherry under the Scheme of the “Grant of Transportation Charges to the People Living with HIV/AIDS” to compensate the minimum transportation charges incurred by the PLHIVs for attending Anti Retro Viral Therapy (ART) Centre for collecting ART drugs and to get treatment. The payment for the Transportation Charges is directly deposited with the Bank Account of the beneficiary PLHIVs once in quarter or a year.

Social Welfare schemes for the benefit of People Living with HIV and High Risk Groups

Social protection schemes available for PLHIVs including Widow PLHIV and CLHIVs:

  1. Conciliation Cell : Free Legal Aid to the PLHIVs/MARPs
  2. “Financial Assistance for HIV/AIDS affected People”- PLHIVs including Childern Llivng with HIV (CLHIVs) and Widow PLHIV on ART avail monthly pension.
  3. “Grant of Financial Assistance to poor SC/ST people for prolonged diseases of ART-HIV”
  4. Compensation of Transportation charges to the PLHIVs for taking ART medicines.
  5. Grant-in-aid to Shanthi Bhawan Home for HIV Children under Child Protection Services for Vocational and Behaviour Change Communication activities of CLHIVs.

 Social protection schemes available for HRGs/MARPs:

  1. Financial Assistance to Transgenders (TGs) as monthly pension.
  2. Imparting Skill Building Trainings under PMKVY with the support of Puducherry Skill Development Society.
  3. Transgender Clinic for to perform Sex Realignment (SRSP) surgery.
  4. Schemes extended to Transgender community by  District Rural Development Authority (DRDA) under National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
  5. Extending financial assistance by transfer of Cash through DBT mode to the enrolled Building & other Construction Workers and Unorganized workers on festival and special occasions.