Media / Outdoor
IEC activities in Puducherry have been formulated, taking into consideration the diverse cultural, linguistic and social backgrounds of different communities across the U.T. of Puducherry. Awareness creation and information dissemination is always the key objective of IEC thereby motivating behavior change among the High Risk Group population. Raising awareness about HIV/AIDS, STI, Blood Donation and perceptions about HIV, creating a demand for seeking health services, condom usage and also promoting the need for enabling environment for prevention, care and support so as to inform, advocate for attitude change of key population. Subsequently, Timely campaigns for promoting messages on ICTC, ART, STI, PPTCT, Stigma & Discrimination, Blood Donation & its related service centers had a greater impact among the target group and general public.
Mass Media comprising entire electronic media, print, community media along with media mix newspapers and neighborhood newspapers are the components under the Mass Media head which has telecasted, broadcasted and published key messages during campaigns and events in the U.T. of Puducherry.
Folk Media (Mid Media) has been recognized as a powerful communication tool to reach out to people with social messages particularly in rural areas. Folk is a powerful medium of communication to disseminate difficult social messages in rural areas. Integration of messages with local culture helps rural people relate and respond easily.
Outdoor activities in various platforms like the erection of Permanent Hoardings in prominent places and hot spots in the State with district specific key messages on HIV/AIDS and Blood Donation. Temporary Hoardings has its vital role in all campaigns and events.