Monitoring and Evaluation

India’s response to the evolving Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic is largely based on evidence generated from multiple sources such as HIV surveillance, programme data and research studies on HIV/AIDS and risk behaviours. The HIV surveillance system in India has been characterized by a growing network of sentinel and facility-based HIV sero-prevalence surveys, used for measuring trends in HIV prevalence and developing state and national prevalence estimates. Behavioural surveillance surveys and research studies have also been conducted in a number of states to track HIV-related risk behaviours. The Computerised Management Information System (CMIS), established nationwide, is another source of strategic information for programme monitoring and evaluation. Similarly, the National AIDS Control Programme III (NACP-III) has also successfully established a Computerized Project Financial Management System (CPFMS). Previously, under NACP-II, programme implementation lacked a strategic approach and the implementation units were not effectively using programme data for planning.