In India, people in the age group of 15-29 years comprise almost 25 percent of the country’s population; however, they account for 31 percent of AIDS burden. This clearly indicates that young people are at high risk of contracting HIV infection.
- Young People (15 to 29 years) – 40 Crores – 1/3 of Population
- Adolescence (10 to 19 years) – 5 Crores – 1/4 of Population
HIV Prevalence among YouthAge Grooup Estimated HIV Prevalence Male Prevalence Female Prevalence 10-14 0.07 % 0.06 % 0.08 % 15-19 & 20-24 (Combined) 0.06 % 0.10 % 0.02 % 24 & Above 0.33 % 0.37 % 0.27 % * (Source- SIMS, 2018-2019 data
Most young people become sexually active during adolescence. In the absence of right guidance and information at this stage, they are more likely to have multi-partner, unprotected sex with high risk behaviour groups. They are also less likely to have information on the risks of contracting HIV and the means of protecting themselves from the infection. Such youth may face repeated risk of HIV infection through peer pressures.
Joint Working Group (JWG) for Youth were formed during the year 2014 and every year meeting with the members was convened under the Chairmanship of Secretary Health, Puducherry. As discussed in JWG meeting, the implementation of Youth Intervention Programmes of Adolescents Education (AEP) Programms, Red Ribbon (RRC )Programme and Out of School Youth Programme (OSY) have been carried out in this UT.